Investing in direct mutual funds has never been easier.
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Buy only the best direct mutual funds.
Regular mutual funds cost you 1% - 2% in commissions every year. That sounds small, but it all adds up! Buy direct with Orowealth, and never pay commissions again.

Get guidance from your own personal advisor.
Sometimes you need the comfort of having an actual human advisor you can trust. We get that. That’s why we offer you a dedicated advisor who understands your specific needs and tailors your investment plan accordingly.
Invest regularly with SIPs.
Use our SIP calculator to figure out how much you should invest regularly in order to build up a target amount.
Monthly Investment
Focus on your goals.
Saving for a dream wedding? A vacation home? Your next trip? Just set up your goal and forget about it. We’ll put your money to work for you, and make sure you reach them on time.
Personalised goal-based advisory
Continous goal monitoring
Intelligent tax efficient rebalancing