Orowealth Blog - The mutual fund blog

There are lot of plans already in the making as covid related restrictions are getting relaxed, be it travel, meetups, live sessions, IPL etc, but there are some to-dos that need to be checked before we end the current financial year. Here is a quick...

How to get your Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) What is CAS? Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) is a statement sent by your depository either NSDL or CDSL, consolidating all your holdings across asset classes which are held either in demat form or electronic form, linked to your PAN How...

We entered 2022 on a cautiously optimistic note, hoping for a safe navigation through the latest Covid (Omicron) variant. From a market perspective, there were a few rounds of selloff mainly triggered on account of a hawkish narrative from the US Fed. Their decision to...

Are your investments destroying your wealth? A simple rule of investing - Your investments compounds over time. But inflation can destroy your wealth, if your portfolio is unable to beat inflation rate. Over the last few years, debt mutual funds have earned less than 4% returns, lower...

What is Expense Ratio The expense ratio (ER) is an annual fee that an investor is charged for the management of his/her funds by the fund houses.  It is generally a percentage of the assets under management by the fund house. In 2018, SEBI brought rationalization of expense...

Active vs. Passive and an Elephant in the Room! As part of its Mutual Fund Analytics and Advisory,  Multi-Act covers nearly 300+ equity mutual funds in India on a regular basis  and try to keep  an active  pulse on underlying factors therein,  which  drives the eventual...

Fixed deposit is one of the most popular and widely used investment product in India. A Fixed Deposit is a financial investment instrument offered by NBFCs and banks, which provide a fixed rate of interest (higher than saving and current account deposit) during entire tenure...

Entering into the Budget, the stock market was fueled with pessimism and witnessed  a ~2600 points fall in the Sensex leading to a correction of 5.3% in the last week of January 2021. FIIs also turned net sellers in the equity markets during the same...

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